With the passing of time our eyes reflect the aging more than any other part of our body. When they sag and have bags of fat and wrinkles, we look older and our eyes even look sad.

Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is a surgical procedure that corrects the excess fat and skin on the upper and lower eyelids, correcting the fall of the upper eyelids and puffiness or dark circles below, in order to rejuvenate the appearance of the face.


Patients with dark circles or bags on the eyelids, which are generally hereditary and give the appearance of fatigue, are the best candidates.

It is good to clarify that blepharoplasty significantly improves the patient’s appearance but will not change his/her facial form, meaning that who perform this procedure must be very realistic with the final results.


In the process an incision will be made outlining the natural line of the eyelid. Removing excess skin and fat, in order to rejuvenate and lift the expression of the eyes.


In blepharoplasty, the scar is located in the natural crease of the eyes and millimetrically below the lower lashes, thus being imperceptible.

Type of anesthesia:

Local with sedation or general.


1 to 2 hours

Time in hospital:

6 to 8 hours