Aging is the set of morphological and physiological changes that occur as a result of the action of time, which afflicts men and women, especially with advancing age.

Over the years, facial expressions leave marks due to the contraction of muscles. A major cause is the decrease in collagen production which is responsible for the sustentation and skin elasticity. Heredity, poor diet, smoking or obesity can lead sooner to skin problems.


Excess skin on the face and neck, marks between the nose and mouth, sagging cheeks, wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes, drooping eyebrows.


For each surgical procedure there will be a minimum size scar in a space cleverly “hidden”. In this case, the scar will be hidden in the scalp and around the ear, visibly disappearing in most cases.

However, achieving a “pretty” scar does not depend entirely on the Doctor’s experience. Genetics, smoking, stress and post-operative care are determining factors in the healing process.

Type of anesthesia:

Local with sedation or general.


From 3 to 5 hours.